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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Who can't get enough of coffee and gossip?

While reading "Internet in a Cup" i just wished they were places like that around here. These days life is so fast passed we dont have time to just sit around and discuss important topics with one another. I extremely enjoy coffee but whenever i get a cup of coffee I have to drink it fast because most of the time I am going to work.

Its interesting how their were different coffeehouses's for different subjects or events that were being discussed. I guess it makes sense that you would want to go to a place where you would have some input to contribute on a subject your familar with. At the same time wouldnt you want to learn about new things and get thrown into a completely different setting than your used too? Personally i love experiencing a new scene or different ideas than what i am used too. Life gets too boring if you dont.

Im sure Europe has plenty of places that are similar to what is described in this article, because everyone knows how hip Europe is. haha
Now tell me how good does that coffee look and that chocolate cake, yummmy!!

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